Whenever new methods of work are introduced in a company, the need to retrain employees become necessary. Since employees can't be taken out of their normal course of work, therefore distance learning becomes essential. Here e learning plays an important part. To bring ease to the e learning process a platform is required. The learning management system or LMS is such e learning platform.
LMS provide interactive learning course to the employees. However employees are generally not interested in adopting LMS as it doesn't provide face to face interaction with the trainer and other learners. As such it tends to be lonesome, boring and tiring. Lack of competitive atmosphere lowers the level of interest in employees.Employees think that they are being forced to work more. This make them stressed which further trigger disinterest. The problem to this solution is blended learning. Blend e-learning with traditional forms of learning like using interactive whiteboards and visualizer during sales presentation.
Interactive Whiteboards Software
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interactive distance response system
design your own classroom